Celebrating Halloween in Comfort

Seriously, who didn’t LOVE getting dressed up for Halloween as a child? You’d spend a month either coordinating with your friends on a group idea, or you’d just go for it solo to be the most fabulous witch in town.
When you own a pet, you may be tempted to doll them up too because, let’s face it, they look ADORABLE. While some dogs have no issue with it and love the praise, others dread the spookiest time of the year. You know them…they’re the ones who hang their head in shame, constantly scratch at the costume, or try to bite it off like they have the plague. And that’s ok! Animals differ in their tolerance for things just like people. Some folks love full-face makeup while some opt for a simple onesie getup and call it a night.
For the doggos that fall in the latter category of, “heckin’ no,” we have a solution for you! Keep it simple. We make some spooktacular collar and leash designs that still put out an adorable Halloween vibe yet are comfortable and practical for a night of trick-or-treating. Also, our collar and leads are so durable (and wash up bootifully) that you can keep them with your Halloween decorations and make it an annual tradition.
Here are some other ideas to keep your pet comfortable this Halloween season:
- If they go out trick-or-treating with you, put on something reflective so they can be seen by cars. They are low to the ground, so they’ll need a little help being visible. Our Reflective Jacket is a great choice. It’s fully reflective, reversible, and has two little pockets for Halloween treatos! And if you want to stay with an orange theme, our Orange Field Coat will do the trick for a treat!
- If they are reactive to the doorbell or knocking, put them at a family or friend’s house that doesn’t get trick-or-treaters. Or put them in a quiet room with their favorite bone (preferably not from your skeleton décor.)
- Don’t ever take them off their leash when walking around the neighborhood. They may be trained off leash under normal circumstances, but the sights and sounds of Halloween can be unpredictable. Also, there might be little trick-or-treaters who are not fond of dogs – it’s their night too, so let them feel safe.
- If it’s a chilly night, be sure to put your dog in a coat or sweater depending on the temperature. Most big dogs with fur won’t require one, but those with hair or the littler guys will need something to keep them cozy.
Most importantly, don’t eat too much candy (or let them eat any) and have some scary fun!